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Topic: we need tutorial for this awesome MARLINX2 (Read 5375 times) |
YaBB Newbie

 I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 6
we need tutorial for this awesome MARLINX2
« on: Jan 28th, 2018, 5:24pm » |
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hi and thank you for this firmware. i have ANET A8 PRINTER. am so noob, i have 3 bowden motors and diamond hotend. i can use only one motor(1extruder) :/ i cant control other motors to move filament. my question is: 1- how i can control the second motor (in dual extruder). 2- how i can add an EXTRUDER to make 3 extruders and control it that i can let the filament move into bowden tube. 3- how i can activate auto-level ? thank you
« Last Edit: Jan 28th, 2018, 5:26pm by zouheir » |
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Denis Bakin
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 163
Re: we need tutorial for this awesome MARLINX2
« Reply #1 on: Jan 28th, 2018, 7:38pm » |
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You can try to look up schematics for your printer and compare it with the Depending on what hardware/pins are used to control the second and third motor drivers in your printer you'll have to change the configuration.h and/or pins.h. For example, the step pin for the motor that moves the second hotend over axis X on the X2V3 printer is D47, and in the pins.h file there is a correspondent constant X1_STEP_PIN that is 47. If the printer is redesigned to have only one X carriage, but 3 extruder motors, then a configuration section has to be added where would be no X1_STEP_PIN (or any other defines for DUAL_X_DRIVE), but instead there would be a conditional section #if EXTRUDERS > 2 ... #endif and under it E2_STEP_PIN would be defined to 47.
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--------------------------- Denis Bakin
Denis Bakin
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 163
Re: we need tutorial for this awesome MARLINX2
« Reply #4 on: Jan 28th, 2018, 10:48pm » |
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In my example the pins are the Arduino chip pins. What you see on the RAMPS schematics are the names of the motor driver connector pins. You need to trace where the "step" pin of the E1 motor driver is connected on the Arduino board to find out which pin number to use in the pins.h file. Anyway, if you are using RAMPS the configuration.h already has a section for it. There should be no need to touch pins.h to make at least E0 and E1 working (try the configuration from the x2 branch If you are just starting, I'd suggest to use the mainstream Marlin firmware. The most likely the multiple extruder support there should be working fine for you.
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--------------------------- Denis Bakin
YaBB Newbie

 I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 6
Re: we need tutorial for this awesome MARLINX2
« Reply #5 on: Jan 29th, 2018, 10:05am » |
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hi the schematics is here : but i dont know where is the E1 extruders pins. there is no way to configurate it easly for me and others noobs like me oO ? we should study electronics to print some objects help please
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Denis Bakin
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 163
Re: we need tutorial for this awesome MARLINX2
« Reply #6 on: Jan 29th, 2018, 11:07am » |
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You can see what pins are connected where in the left upper corner of the schematics. E1-STEP is D36 E1-EN is D30 E1-DIR is D34 Providing a configuration for a particular hardware is something that the hardware supplier should be doing, but like I mentioned before since it appears that your printer is RAMPS 1.4 based everything you need is already in there, just read the comments in the Configuration.h.
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--------------------------- Denis Bakin
Denis Bakin
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 163
Re: we need tutorial for this awesome MARLINX2
« Reply #9 on: Jan 29th, 2018, 12:23pm » |
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If you are looking for the pins I'm using in X2V3 for the fan control, then those are D0 and D1 on the AUX-1 connector of the RAMPS 1.4 shield, the pin numbers to use in pins.h are 4 and 5.
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--------------------------- Denis Bakin