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Topic: X2V3 (Read 11304 times) |
Hi, I am very interested in the X2V3 version of 3D printer, I have more than 2 questions, do you have Skype ? If so, and if you were willing me to help it would be super. My skype nick is nojby_michal, so add me. I want to ask about slicing and more ... Have nice day. Michal
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Denis Bakin
YaBB Administrator
Posts: 163
Re: X2V3
« Reply #1 on: Mar 6th, 2015, 2:48pm » |
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Hi Michal, I'd appreciate if you can start by posting your questions here. If you have them chances are somebody else does too. Having the questions and answers readily available to look up is a way more efficient for everybody. Thanks,
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--------------------------- Denis Bakin
Hi, I have built similar 3D prointer like you. Thanks to your customization of Marlin. I have a question. How to calibrate the printing? Should be the heatbed in the middle length between both nozzles ?
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Denis Bakin
YaBB Administrator
Posts: 163
Re: X2V3
« Reply #3 on: Mar 9th, 2015, 5:42pm » |
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What exactly are you trying to calibrate? I'll make a guess, but if I'm off let me know what you meant. Since you mentioned heating bed position my guess is you'd like to make X=100,Y=100 position to be exactly in the middle of the bed. It is not necessary to position the bed exactly in the middle or move it to do that. You can simply adjust the coordinates of the hotend homing position. For example, my machine has the homing position of the hotend 0 at -35mm (see X0_MIN_POS in firmware Configuration.h file). I.e. it has to move 35mm right to reach the edge of the heating bed (X=0) or 135mm to reach its center (X=100). For the hotend 1 (since it homes to the right side of the machine) adjust X1_MAX_POS. The way I'm doing this is by setting up homing position for hotend 0, then printing a calibration object that is just one extrusion line (along Y axis), then adjusting the hotend 1 homing position so it prints exactly over that same line. You can also try to use M206 command. It allows to configure adjustments to the homing positions hardcoded in the Configuration.h (for X,Y or Z). Those adjustments can be saved in EEPROM. I did not test it though. Hope that helps.
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--------------------------- Denis Bakin
Hi Denis, sorry for my delay of posting here, i was 4 weeks ill. First I am glad you to write Marlin X2V3. I made my customization for Rumba instead of RAMPS. I am able to move both axis X0 and X1. I am not able to generate gcode for printing the calibration piece - simple line 0.2 mm x 100 mm. Would you be willing to give me the instruction step by step, how to generate gcode from slic3r ? If you don't use slic3r, so write the instruction for skeinforge, but I am not able to run skeinforge on windows. Thank you for your time.
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Denis Bakin
YaBB Administrator
Posts: 163
Re: X2V3
« Reply #5 on: Apr 12th, 2015, 9:11pm » |
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You can try to install the X2SW packge. It has both Skeinforge and Slic3r integrated, plus the printing profiles. The downloads are here: Read the release notes and the installation instructions: If you are using 0.35mm nozzle diameter and 3mm filament in your printer the X2V3 printing profiles might be a good starting point. After the profiles are loaded and the software can communicate with your printer make a 3D model for 0.3x0.5x100mm (height-0.3, width -0.5, length-100) object. Slice using Skeinforge as the default slicer. That should produce G-code for one-line extrusion you were looking for. If you need instructions on slicing in X2SW see here: Use the ABS-0.35-Parts or PLA-0.35-Parts profile as the template and modify to work for your printer.
« Last Edit: Apr 12th, 2015, 9:24pm by Denis Bakin » |
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--------------------------- Denis Bakin
Hi I tried MIRROR MODE, and after some starting problems, it seems to be OK, I printed mirrored objects. Now I am trying to print two-colors object. I have solved STL in slicer, manually added T1 for the first layer in another color, but the first extruder stays at his last position, should I manually add T0 G28 X (G28 X on newline) or how to say to move extruder to the home position in case of changing extruders. ? Denis, do you have Skype ? I would like to make a chat to solve my problem faster, and you to take less time to write here on forum. I promise that our skype-chat I will post here for other users for them to help.
« Last Edit: Jun 22nd, 2015, 11:43am by Nojby » |
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I have made some steps to the goal, I learn how to use M331 and M332 commands using command line in pronterface. Ex.: T0 ; activate EXTRUDER 0 G28 X ; home X0 G1 X 50.0 ; move X0 50mm M331 S1 ; store position of EXT 0 to Slot 1 G28 X; home EXT 0 T1; M332 S1 F3000 ; move EXT 1 to stored position now I am going to change gco manually, or can Slic3r do this "storing the position" instead of me ? How to solve this in Slic3r?
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Thanks for your quick response, I am going to read your gcodes to better understand how to make it.
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Denis Bakin
YaBB Administrator
Posts: 163
Re: X2V3
« Reply #10 on: Jun 22nd, 2015, 1:51pm » |
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If you are using Slic3r that comes in X2V3 v1.2.0.1 bundle then make sure "G-code Flavor" in "General" section on the "Printer Settings" tab is set to "RepRap X2/X2V3". After that you can go to "Custom G-code section" and write custom G-code for tool change in "Tool change G-code" box (scroll down to get to it). You might be able to reuse some of the Skeinforge tool change G-code, but have to deal with Slic3r specifics. There's only one G-code snippet that has to work for switching between all the extruedrs and the previous/next extruder numbers are the variables. Slic3r also used to manage E-position differently when switching tool, so Skeinforge G-code pre-setting retract length might not function correctly.
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--------------------------- Denis Bakin
A small offtopic, I found that COOLDOWN item in menu (I am using DOGLCD) DONT WORK. (from ultralcd.cpp) specially newline... Ex.: MENU_ITEM(gcode, MSG_COOLDOWN, PSTR("M140 S0\nM104 S0")); here M140 S0 work but M104 S0 dont work if I change them MENU_ITEM(gcode, MSG_COOLDOWN, PSTR("M104 S0\nM140 S0")); here M104 S0 work but M140 S0 dont work it seems that the problem is in \n ..., any idea how to solve? Marlin version: MarlinX2-X2Marlin_v1_1_1_b2 And to the dual printing, I used G28 X in gcode to park extruder, but that didn't work, good idea with M332 in slot 2 and 3 to make them as parking positions.
« Last Edit: Jun 23rd, 2015, 9:05am by Nojby » |
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Denis Bakin
YaBB Administrator
Posts: 163
Re: X2V3
« Reply #13 on: Jun 24th, 2015, 4:42pm » |
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I'll apply the cooldown fix. BTW, you can always send a pull request if have a bugfix or something else to add to the repository. If have no experience with GitHub yet, they have a nice intro One more thing, theoretically it should be possible to use homing on X for parking, but it is slower and endstops can potentially introduce small layer shifts due to tiny variations in position+timing when they are triggered and detected by the firmware.
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--------------------------- Denis Bakin
YaBB Senior Member
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Re: X2V3
« Reply #14 on: Dec 17th, 2015, 3:32pm » |
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Hi , My design machine almost finish , just have an question in MarlinX2 Firmware Dual extruder are already enable ? i read all RepRap X2V3 Firmware but honestly i was confused , im using one stepper motor for my X axis , how to add second X carriage Hotend and second extruder motor ? how to adjust endstop for X carriages ?
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