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August 11, 2024

Peaches Getting Destroyed before Harvesting, Brown Rot?

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I planted a few fruit trees 7-8 years ago (I’m in NH).
The results so far:

  • Apricot - died, never seen a single apricot.
  • Asian pear - produced for a couple years, but almost dead now (looks like the statue of liberty - copper oxide color).
  • Cherry (bitter one) - doing ok, usually lots of cherries, but they get rotten before rape enough for harvest.
  • Cherry (sweet) - the tree looks ok (except being ravaged by the Japanese beetle), but never seen anything on it except a few green cherries that either eaten by birds or rot and fall off before getting rape.
  • Peach - that one is still kicking, a lot of peaches at the end of the summer, but they all wither and rot before rape enough to be harvested.

The peach is probably suffering from the brown rot. Here’s how it looks…

On a peach:

Peach Brown Rot

On the peach under magnification:

Brown Rot 150x (on a peach)

Brown Rot 600x (on a peach)

Spores dusted off the peach:

Brown Rot spores (dusted off a peach) 600x

A video helps to see the structure a bit better:


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